Looking for ways to make a difference in the Dayton Region with your business or organization? We invite you to partner with us! Here at TJ’s Place of Hope, we are blessed with caring friends in the business community who believe and support the mission of making a difference in the Dayton Region, by investing and partnering with us. local businesses have teamed up with us over the years through philanthropic support, sponsoring events or programs, or donating products and services.
Match Your Employees’ Gifts
Organizations can double their impact when you match gifts to TJ’s Place of Hope. If you already have a matching program, just be sure to include TJ’s Place of Hope in your list of acceptable charities.
Event or Outreach Sponsorship
Your organization or business can make a huge impact by sponsoring our events. Additionally, TJ’s Place of Hope hosts fundraising events throughout the year, that provide opportunities for any business or organization to not just contribute effectively, but to build charitable brand awareness.
Corporate Volunteering
Sharing time and talents together by volunteering at TJ’s Place of Hope is a great way to boost morale and inspire cooperation. Organizations can help with building maintenance, educational support, working at one of our events, or organizing a project of their own.
Corporate Gifts-In-Kind
Donations of home furnishings, art supplies, appliances and other surplus inventory are always welcome and needed.