Thank you so much Jane Fiehrer of Sign Connection 90 Compark Road B, Centerville for our beautiful new sign that you donated to our organization. We appreciate your generosity and your help to advertise our special mission.

A special thank you to Darrell Edwards for your hard work and abilities in transforming our outdated bathrooms to fully functioning facilities. We appreciate your skills and your generosity.

We were honored that Centerville Noon Optimist not only considered TJ’s Place of Hope, BUT donated an incredible amount. They believe in our mission and now we have additional resources to help our youth and families. Thank you SO very much.

The prayers and donation from Incarnation Parish is incredible. We value their support in this community and with their help; TJ’s Place of Hope can continue to serve. Thank you SO very much.

We were honored by The Making Change organization, along with a few other community groups. Personally chosen by the board members of Dorothy Lane Market. Thank you SO much, DLM for this extremely generous donation!!

We were honored by the Centerville Washington Foundation, along with a few other community groups at their awards ceremony in April, 2021! Personally chosen by the board members. Thank you SO much, CWF for this extremely generous donation!!

In 2018, we were honored to receive a large grant! Thank you SO much, ACCO Brands for this extremely generous donation!!

Many Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave to TJ’s Place after a speech, we happily gave! Thank you very much, Ladies!

Donations were given anonymously given via Network for Good. Thank you All for your generosity!!
+ MANY more individual supporters, other organizations and in all: wonderful humans! A HUGE Thank You.
Love, TJ’s Place of Hope