Rosie’s Healing Journey
Watch on YouTube as Rosie describes her healing journey, and how TJ’s Place of Hope helped her.
Watch on YouTube as Rosie describes her healing journey, and how TJ’s Place of Hope helped her.
Bio coming soon!
Bio coming soon!
+ Facilitator
Greg Crabtree (Dad of TJ)
Step father to TJ: Greg has been affiliated with T.J.’s Place from its beginning. Greg was previously the President and now presides as the Executive Director. Greg currently is the pastor of two churches in Springfield: Bowlusville United Methodist Church and New Moorefield United Methodist Church. Greg has been active in the organizations public speaking engagements and fundraising for several years. Greg has helped and worked with many youth and families over the years to help them find healthier lifestyles.
Founder + Secretary
+ Facilitator
Cheryl Crabtree (Mom of TJ)
Cheryl has been a Board member of T.J.’s Place of Hope since it was started in
2006. Cheryl has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from West Virginia
State College and a Master of Science Degree from Marshall University in
Industrial and Occupational Safety Management.
Cheryl worked approximately 20 years in industrial safety but after losing her son
in 2005, she switched her career and started her own business. She started
Petway In-Home Pet Care where she currently still works and feels that caring for
animals has helped her to heal.
Board Member of Technology/Social Media & Fundraising
+ Facilitator
Alicia Donovan Brainerd
If you could have a five-minute conversation with anyone who knows me Alicia you will hear: I’m an Engineering Manager at Salesforce and I work remote. I’m driven, lovely, carry hand sanitizer in my car because I have a thing with dirty ATM buttons and gas station pumps. I’m optimistic, I love learning new things, I believe I am a loyal person, well-traveled, and enjoy life. I’m a proven leader of women advocating developmental and authenticity through seminars, enjoy tidiness, competitive at everything, dance in my car, and give credit when it’s due. I want to understand the why’s and where’s. I laugh at my own jokes because I think I’m hilarious.I coordinate my closet by sleeve length and color and cannot live without music at all times.
I hold a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Holistic Counseling degree from Salve Regina University, where I graduated in the top of my class.
Evolving technology, social media platforms, YOGA and developing people are my passions and areas of expertise. These skills I have acquired have created a solid foundation that enables me to manage and lead people effectively.
I just want to learn, help people, and be curious every day.
David Ball
Dave and his wife, Kathy, currently reside in Springboro after 26 years of residency in Centerville. Dave is an independent sales rep who covers Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky. He has done considerable international travel. Dave has been the Assistant Junior Varsity baseball coach at Centerville for 14 years.
Dave and Kathy have three children – Dan, 36 who resides in Loveland, OH; Melissa, 32 who resides in Cincinnati, OH; and Molly, 26 who resides in Chicago, IL. Dan and his wife Kara have blessed Dave and Kathy with two grandchildren, Katelyn (7) and Lizzy (5).
Dave graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1977 as did Kathy. He has a BBA in Marketing.
Covid Safety Information from T.J.’s Place of Hope
Board Member of Community Outreach + Fundraising
Mike Bastion
12 plus years clinical addiction specialist with Indivior calling on Md’s, PA’s NP’s and healthcare professionals treating OUD. More than 25 years experience overall in the healthcare business. Serving on the TJs Place of Hope board for 10 years. Dedicated husband and father of 2 children.
Board Member of Fundraising committee
+ Facilitator
Holly Johnson
This bio should be posted shortly