Protecting childrens’ mental health during COVID-19 – let us share what we learned!
TJ’s Place of Hope attended an incredibly informative webinar about how to help youth during this virus and isolation, given by Baltimore Child Abuse Center. With their permission we are sharing this news!!!
“Most children will manage well with the support of parents and other family members, even if showing signs of some anxiety or concerns, such as difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Some children, however, may have risk factors for more intense reactions, including severe anxiety, depression, and suicidal behaviors. Risk factors can include a pre-existing mental health problem, prior traumatic experiences or abuse, family instability, or the loss of a loved one.”
– BCAC Presentation
Mental health as a second pandemic
When to Ask for Help?
- Social Isolation
- Depression Symptoms
How to Support Children in COVID-19
Learn More:
View the BCAC Presentation (PDF)
My 2020 Covid-19 Time Capsule worksheets and coloring book
Mental Health Checkup & Toolkit (PDF)
Younger Children’s Resources:
The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly: The Corona Virus and Me (PDF Book)
The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly Book Guide
Dream it: Playbook to Awesomeness (PDF)